Shipping Details

Fast & reliable posters delivery in 3-5 days with AIArtPosters. Learn about our shipping details.

Fast & Reliable Delivery
Expect your art pieces, meticulously framed and packaged, to grace your space within 3 to 5 working days. We understand the thrill of a new acquisition and aim to exceed your expectations.

Real-Time Tracking
Be informed every step of the way with our real-time tracking software. From the moment your art leaves our facility to the moment it adorns your wall, you're in the loop.

The Art of Framed Shipping: Why It's Worth More

Framed posters require an extra layer of care and additional materials to ensure they reach you in impeccable condition. Quality ayous wood or solid oak frames add both dimension and weight to the package. This attention to detail and additional material naturally result in a slightly higher shipping cost, guaranteeing your framed art arrives in perfect condition.

Transparent Shipping Costs

Shipping costs for unframed posters generally range from 4.99€ to 6.99€. For framed posters, due to the extra care and materials involved, costs may exceed this range. Your shipping fee is calculated based on:
- Warehouse Proximity
- The location of your order
- Frame length and weight
- Carrier Fees

We prioritize transparency and efficiency in every step of your shopping experience. Should you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.